Product Review Guidelines & Affiliate Disclosure
BBQ 4 Beginners has been created for people like us who are interested in smoking but want to get started and have alot of questions. Our primary goal is to provide easy to understand information to make user comfortable with getting started and improving their ability related to bbq and smoking.
To support our efforts and to keep the website up and running we include affiliate marketing links, if you click a link on one of our pages and buy a product from a 3rd party website, e.g. Amazon, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you.
The revenue generated from users clicking affiliate links, does not add any cost to the purchase of the product but does help defray the costs of running this website.
In relation to this:
- is a participant of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide an aid for the websites in earning an advertisement fee – by means of advertising and linking to products.
- is a participant of the Amazon EU Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide an aid for the websites in earning an advertisement fee – by means of advertising and linking to products.
- is a participant of the, Inc. Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide an aid for the websites in earning an advertisement fee – by means of advertising and linking to products.
Our Goal
Our goal is to spread our passion for great food to everyone with clear information to let them get started without worrying about fancy titles like Pitmaster. Smoked BBQ food is fun to create and even better to taste. We believe anyone can create great food and we hope to be able to show folks how to get started.
Product Recommendations
Our product suggestions are based up our experience and research to help answer the questions or roadblocks we faced getting started. Our product rankings are designed with new bbq users in mind not just what is new or low cost.
It was only after a few of us realized that we were answering a lot of questions for friends and people we met that we developed the idea for this site. We’re not competition chef’s or even restaurant owners. Just folks like you who got hooked on the whole process of smoking and the amazing flavors we can create with it.
The results of our reviews are based on our objective assessments. While our relationships with various affiliates may influence the products we select to review, they do not change the analysis and opinions of our writers.
We always aim to review products by using them in the real world just like you would.
In some cases we purchase the products ourselves for the purpose of reviewing, sometimes we review products that we have bought for personal use, and sometimes companies send us free products for the purpose of reviewing.
When we have received the product for free, we will always disclose this at the top of the review.
In cases where we are not able to physically use the product, we base our recommendations on extensive research and gathering information from a variety of sources including the manufacturer and other owners.
We will never recommend a product solely for our financial gain,
If you have any questions or would like to contact us please do so via our contact page.